how draw republic gunships


I literally just had the most cinematic, epic last stand in star wars battlefront 2 history and I was gonna draw it but imma just write it down because I suck at drawing. So it was in the coop missions, so there were four of us, and about 15 clone reinforcements left. Yoda, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the clone troops were all surrounded in the hangar bay of a republic ship, around a gunship. We had to defend this point for eight minutes straight. First, the droids only came in from one side of the ship's entrance, and we were for the most part they were easy targets, but some slipped by, and in a matter of minutes, we were surrounded. One clone, a heavy climbed atop the gunship and gave more than enough covering fire. It's a wonder they weren't able to shoot him down. Droids, commando droids, battle droids, droidekas, all fell before the might of grandmaster Yoda. He (I was playing the part of the little green fellow) rallied the troops and defended them from the onslaught of droids surrounding us. We had barely any cover, it was looking more than hopeless. If we l0st that point, we would have lost Kashyyk in its entirety. We couldn't let that happen. Even such leaders of the separatists as Dooku or Grievous were no match for the willpower and strength of the clone army and their Jedi leaders. It was fucking LIT, but if I could draw it you'd see

  • Published October 20, 2020, 06:29
  • in Kiddie Pool
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