i had originally named the draft fuck and idk what was going through my mind
name: elisabeth ??? ???
sex: female
sexuality: homoromantic asexual *plot twist this is my coming out toon*
occupation: stupid bitch- i mean designer
height: 8'9
relations: powell (brother), laVey (sister), morgana (oldest daughter), anna (middle daughter), garrett (son), gwena (youngest daughter)
facts: likes really fucking weird foods, when not being a dumbass shes complaining about her love life and when not complaining about her love life shes throwing her everlasting love on you and finally when she not doing that shes fighting with lavey, prolly a god?? hairy :/, has died at least three times, is an actual snake run away
@RANDOMGIRL4 i heard they were coming out with another one next yearBLUBERRYSANS2
I love that show so much. A shame that season one was so short.. (But really this character is such a mood)Nova!Kun