haha recap time


of what i did for like the last like 3 months of last year here on drawn so in october i decided to come back because school seemed to block pixilart and i had nowhere else to draw so i came here, november was a funky month, i was a dumb butt and didnt do some assignments and had to do make-up work for a good weekend and then the last week of november came, I somehow got Clayton to fix the ditor spelling mistake and i am now forever featured in the updates list and im still laughing my arse off because of that and then november 28th came around and we all know what that day is (looking at you nightblade) and then december was kinda boring compared to the end of november nothing special happened, i did a drawn secret santa and it kinda failed because some people didnt do it which made me kinda sad but it was nothing, i also got a drawing tablet so that was fun. now im not one to say i had a bad year but i know multiple people who can say that they did because of the stupid corn coming and going and i want to help people out but im as poor as a toddler and cant help but you totally can, by donating to saint jude and all other charities that are trying to mass produce the vaccine and if you are like me you can just plant some trees, team trees is still a thing right? well anyways what im trying to say is help in anyway you can to fight the bitch that was last year and i might jinx it but it honestly cant get any worse than it already has so have a pma and i love you all, now i gotta go to math so yeah bye-bye -Cam

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