
By Frost

been 3 days but doesn't mean I'm completely returnin'. May make a post here and there if I don't feel like throwing up lmao. Just wanted ya'll to know if you ever decide to take anything outta context or blow somethin outta proportion, then ya better think twice before starting drama over the smallest things. I haven't said/posted shit after what I was told and seen. Tho I did recently only cuz I'm horrible at controlling my emotions. So, maybe that's a 'quirk' of mine that sure, I can work on, but don't mean people gotta be an asshole about it. Guess this is just an advice post sorta. I dunno... the people here and the people on toon never seem to be who they really are. You learn the more you see them drift or be a two-face. Never be too trusting like I am. Never think "Aight, seems legit" when it's obviously not- and never make yourself look oblivious when you're not. Just stand your ground when you have your chance. Never let people's dumb excuses make you feel weak or make you feel like something they did is your fault. Cuz it never was or is. Always those who manipulate. Just sayin'. Honestly feel bad for those who eventually stay trapped in a manipulators clutch. I've escaped countless times, but damn... once you drift, you're stuck 'less you figure everything out. Aight. Cya around I suppose.

  • Published March 27, 2022, 07:10
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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