Mother Earth


Mother Earth looked at the humans in her domain. There were too many of them. Year after year, she tried to curb the population with the flu, but it was never efficient enough. They just kept producing children. The younger ones were having fewer children, but there were so many of them. She needed something more powerful. She worked on it for weeks. Deciding that older people were a significant factor in pollution and global warming, she targeted them. She couldn't figure out a way to not target the babies, but humans were a plague, so she decided it was fine. "are you sure you want to do that?" asked the Moon, Earth's daughter the night before Mother Earth would release it. "Well, I have to try something," said Mother Earth "I like the humans," said the Moon "You only have them for a short while. Wait until you get colonized," said Mother Earth "Well, if you think you know what's best," said The Moon. So Mother Earth released it. Right into the country that made most of the products. She watched with joy as it caused the humans to go insane. They panicked, going into full-on shut-in mode. Mother Earth laughed in glee. Even though she still felt the same sickness she had been feeling or years, she kept on. Eventually, most of the old people were gone. The younger people quickly revolutionized the government, and made the world better for everyone. Mother Earth smiled as the sickness let up. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to do it again.

  • Published March 09, 2020, 18:12
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The Myths
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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