hhh imm sorry ken- you are loved and apprectated ken kay...? we love you so much nd we apprectate everything yo do. you relly are loved at the table. I always say ill talk to you more at the tbale but i never do ad im really sorry. ypur a great person ken and you deserve a lot more. Ad if you might think you will find the right appreciation and love away from the table? then fucking get thta lvoe and appreciation cause you deserve that!! since it my birthday tomorrow, i want my present to be that you truly find everything you want in friends away from the table if you have to!! i want you to find the friends you deserve!! no mAatter what it means! And i might be hard for you- (and this is all a suggestion- u dont HAVE to do ay of this but i highly suggest it for your own sanity) but moving from the table might be a good idea- find friends that can talk t you more!! not just about their series but abot yours, about how YOUR day is going and all that stuff. You deserve it Ken. once gaian- im not aying you Have to. its all your choice andif you do do it, you dont have to leave right away- we love you ken.
i really hope all of this made sense and didnt upset you in anyway or seem like im trying to kick yo out of the table but i swear im not- i fucking love you and wish i could talk to you more but i care so much for you ken that i know it would probably be betetr for YOU if you found people who you can talk to more and who will give yu the right amount of appreciation and love...
@R0seKen Of course, ken.Roseken
@RazzyIsHere Thank you Razz.ScratchandSniff
hhh imm sorry ken- you are loved and apprectated ken kay...? we love you so much nd we apprectate everything yo do. you relly are loved at the table.I always say ill talk to you more at the tbale but i never do ad im really sorry.
ypur a great person ken and you deserve a lot more. Ad if you might think you will find the right appreciation and love away from the table? then fucking get thta lvoe and appreciation cause you deserve that!!
since it my birthday tomorrow, i want my present to be that you truly find everything you want in friends away from the table if you have to!! i want you to find the friends you deserve!! no mAatter what it means!
And i might be hard for you- (and this is all a suggestion- u dont HAVE to do ay of this but i highly suggest it for your own sanity) but moving from the table might be a good idea- find friends that can talk t you more!! not just about their series but abot yours, about how YOUR day is going and all that stuff. You deserve it Ken.
once gaian- im not aying you Have to. its all your choice andif you do do it, you dont have to leave right away-
we love you ken.
i really hope all of this made sense and didnt upset you in anyway or seem like im trying to kick yo out of the table but i swear im not- i fucking love you and wish i could talk to you more but i care so much for you ken that i know it would probably be betetr for YOU if you found people who you can talk to more and who will give yu the right amount of appreciation and love...
you are loved and appreciated!! i mean ik i care about you lots man aa pls feel betterNightblade
If you love and appreciate yourself, That's good! but other people love and appreciate you.teapup
love and appreciate yourself, but also know that everyone here loves and appreciates you. please think about this.