How Do Popular Animators get Pop.?


This is a question I ask myself every day. How do popular animators and artists on Drawn GET popular so easily? HOW? Like, Ik that Drawn is in Beta still, and there's only one creator(your awesome buddy thanks for the new update ;)), but even animators who don't even try on half of their art get more followers as fast as a person like me WHO SPENDS A MONTH'S WORTH OF THEIR TIME EACH DAY JUST TO GET 11 F O L L O W E R S!!(:cough: but I am thankful, don't hate me ;w;)Anyways, I'm not that kind of a brat who wants stuff in an instant, or just needs popularity and attention 24/7, but I just want a stable time on this site to take the time to make art for everyone to see! All I want is to share my animations and art to other people... who I don't know on the other side of the screen... ;w;... yet when you post something you've spent 4 hours at most on, nobody looks at it. Only "oh, I'll just like it because I have other stuff to do." Now, don't bring hate on my for this, please. I don't want to loose anyone here ;w;, but I do easily complain and want to give a reason for some silly problem because, if you don't already know, I'm super sensative ;w;. LIKE A LOT! :Cough: I may make a story time around that in the future :cough: but anyways, IK a lot of ppl experience the same thing where your so proud of some art u made, but then it just goes to waste because ppl don't even care to look at it. Even if it was appealing to the eye, nobody just thinks to see it at least. To C O M M E N T, which is a whole different story that may waste my time too much, so this is all I'll talk about for now. Have a great day, guys! ;)

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@BuffedDoggo!! owo your style is gr8


made this obviously bc of @Teapup