how i make art


i dont. everyone just likes me for some reason and its confusing. nah but srsly though if u wanna actually improve your stuff i can honestly recommend practicing "bUT ASH EVERY1 SAYS THAT" yeah??? cause its true. people will keep saying it until you actually practice. also before you draw, warmup with a few doodles (that you dont have to post) i usually doodle whatever character im using before i draw just so i can sorta get down what gestures i want. uhhh use shapes. lots of shapes. i use triangles and shapes that have no name because they're so fucking obtuse and stuff but yeah. shapes help in a draft. uhhhh and yeah thats basically it. practice doesnt make perfect. perfect practice makes perfect. but like,,,, this is from my own advice. heres a drawing i made abt a year ago disgusting ikr and some of my current art (which is still fucked lol) and

  • Published February 26, 2019, 17:27
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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