uhm pls help (desc)

By Keibo

if someone kind and sweet and the best in the world could please convert a youtube song into an mp3 file i would appreciate that so much !!

if i could do it, i would, but alas, the chromebook restrictions.
i would like the official version of "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield, please !!

If you could dm me that you have it ill give u my email so u can send the file. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! <3<3,3<3<3<#<#

Comments 4

You gotta have an account (and be logged in) to add comments. I know: bummer, right?


@TheNightblade nah, It's a character of mine. It's hard to explain everything


not to be rude, but what is this supposed to be? Like is it from a game or smth?


I like how this is one of the few things I've put effort into-