one hue contest!


HELLO! >:) ibet your wondering, "oh dear what has he got for us this time? AND YOU ARE RIGHT TO THINK SO! in case you have not read the title, you need to create a peice of art using one hue of color! such as this peice i have created for you based off the color green! RULES FOR THE CONTEST ------------------------------------- 1. ONLY USE ONE COLOR if another color other than the one you choose is present, you will not be able to submit your art! 2. colors related to your color are OK. such as "blue green" and "olive green" ect. ask me of any colors you have questions about. PS pink is not a shade of purple. please stick to your color! same goes for red and orange! 3. YOUR PEICE WILL BE JUDGED ON CREATIVITY AND HOW NEAT YOUR DRAWING IS. I KNOW YOU ARE UP TO IT. DONT GIVE ME THE "IM NOT GOOD AT DRAWING" CRAP. IVE SEEN YOU DRAW >:) 4. two people can use the same color 5. no NSFW (obviously) 6. THE DUE DATE IS JULY 29th! YOU HAVE 16 DAYS TO GET THIS DONE im yelling because it is important. NOW... THE PRIZES (note: you can put the trophy on your submission or any peice of art) 1ST: gold trophy 2ND: silver trophy 3RD: bronze trophy 4TH: plastic trophy 5TH: small fanart . _ . ANYWHOOO... good Luck! and if you read to the bottom say the word "yay" *u* haha i like coming up with ideas.

  • Published July 13, 2020, 21:39
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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