New Planet Project. Come join?


I have an idea for a new project, which i've 'koined 'Project Planetaria' the goal: to have 200 unique planets with different, funa, flora, resources, Sentient life, and much much more. each planet, designed by either me, or anyone who wants to take this on, will by the end of this, be completely different from the other planets of the universe. The basic skeleton of planets: if you wish to join, i've created a simple planet blue print. Gravity level- Low, average, high Humidity-Low, average, high Oceans/bodies of water- Y/N Sea fairing lifeforms- Y/N Terrestrial life- Y/N Landmasses- none/some/tons Volcanoes-Y/N Goldilocks planet-Y/N Gas Giant-Y/N Sentient Life-Y/N Space fairing life-Y/N Planet Temperature-{insert temp} Planet size-Small medium large Star- White/Red dwarf, reg star, neutron star Planet locked? - Y/N Context and extras : a planet locked planet, in this term is if a planet has only one side actively getting sunlight, whilst the other is in pure darkness. Life forms are optional. Sentient life, would have some form of cultre (e.g religion, go nuts) space fairing life should be kept to a minimum as it isn't a conman thing for life forms to do. (or is it?) Let me know if ya'll wanna join

  • Published March 13, 2020, 20:31
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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this is bing.