The drawn iceberg is an image made by @RotorMoil going over certain topics relating to drawn, I also added a few.
Layer one: Pretty common knowledge
Koin: The currency of drawn, you can get it from getting your stuff into the hot section.
ClaytonR: The creator of drawn
Nightblade: A popular user on drawn, most known for his drawings of their character.
Drawny: A nickname for the mascot of drawn
Changing text: if you put in a certain code before and after a body text, it can change its size, color, etc.
Kailey_Kat: A popular user on drawn, known for their drawings of varying topics, sadly, she left drawn, and rarely pops up.
The first animation: The first animation was an animation made by ClaytonR, pretty self-explanatory.
Drawn on mobile: just drawn on mobile devices
Contests: A common thing on drawn, often rewarding art, trophies, and once, koin.
Ranks: the ranks used on drawn, they are, moderator, sushi, minnow, and goldfish
Animation memes: A form of animation, often used as practice.
The Moderators: The moderators on drawn, these are 5oul, susimi, Bcmanimator, Buffeddoggo, Anadroj-B-J, Zontage, _Disaster_, ClaytonR, and -AshFlame-.
The Fishbowl: A thing you can put drawings in, for koin.
Gifts: You can give art to other users for 25 koin
Trophies: An item you can give drawings that equal a certain amount of likes, and all cost different amounts of koin.
Second Level: uncommon knowledge.
Koin Easter eggs: Secrets you can find to get koin, usually on holidays, and one hidden, that I'll let you find for yourself ;)
Custom Ranks: ranks that are not common to get, and unknown how to get, these include sea dragon, and rainbow fish.
"why is there no paintbucket tool?": a common question asked by users, the reason there is none is basically because ClaytonR is unable to.
The Flipanim "Raid": This refers to an event earlier in drawns life, where a bunch of users from the site, Flipanim, "raided" drawn.
Typo in update history: A typo at one point was in the updates section, and was pointed out by the user CameraID.
The Drawn Family Tree: A family tree made up of drawn users, nothing too complex.
The disaster ban: Disaster was banned for a period of time, as she needed to focus on school, I believe.
ClaytonRs other projects: The creator of drawn has worked on other things, be them games, sites, or anything else.
Layer 3: rarely known.
Old eraser tool glitch: I don't know what certain glitch this is referring to, but at one point, there was a glitch referring to the eraser tool.
Country human spam day: On April 21st, a bunch of users posted drawings of the country human characters.
Art theives: I think this is just referring to art getting sometimes stolen on drawn.
Free Audio: idk what this is referring, but my guess is, when audio was first implemented it was free, or there was a glitch to get It for free.
Drawn Discord Hacked: One day, the drawn discord was hacked, and left everyone there to make their own drawn discord, eventually leading to another official one by disaster.
Crashing the editor: if you draw too much, or use a certain feature too much, you can crash the editor.
The Drawn "Hacker": I have no idea what this is referring to.
Drawn on maintenance: on rarely occasions, drawn will shut down, due to Clayton working on the site.
Drama in the anon section: sometimes drama will happen in the anon section of drawn.
Every Copy of Drawn is personalized: Real.
a stickman too manyEn
@SwagTomato skinny gangSwagTomato
I'm skinny reallyyy skinny too