its not my fault. i just--

i dont see a point in it. everything is falling apart around me and you're expecting me to have the motivation to do anything. guess what, i fucking dont. im never gonna need any of the shit they teach me so why should i do it. im too tired to actually work and too spaced out thinking about all the other bullshit happening to pay attention in class. im not trying to be this much of a failure jesus christ

and then all people say is just "oh its not that big of a deal just do your homework."

like yeah thanks you're such a big fucking help like i totally haven't tried to already but either end up spacing out, getting distracted, or having a breakdown because i cant fucking focus for shit

im trying my best to do what i need to get by but i just cant. everything is too much to deal with and i dont see a point in anything. hell, im just a kid. why does all of this shit have to be pushed on both me and everyone else. its so fucking overwhelming

like chill out for fucks sake. the last thing i need right now is all of this to be forced on me and other people. seeing everyone else happy is the only reason im ever happy, but everyone's doing really shitty and it brings me down and makes me feel bad cause i dont wanna see them suffer when they're the last people on earth who deserve it and i dont have any fucking clue how to help them

i dont wanna do this anymore

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