LCAC! round 4 (closed)


So I decided that I want to do this series again! For those who don't know, basically you vote in the comment section which of the following characteristics the character design should have! Once the votes have been counted up, I'll draw and post the final product! **Please note that if you don't vote in all the categories when you comment, your vote won't be counted in the final results! It honestly makes counting the votes a lot harder when you just vote in one or few categories instead of all of them** Ok here are the categories: ◾species: human or animal? ◾gender presentation/aesthetic: masculine, feminine, or both? ◾color scheme: Monochromatic/one color or 3 colors only? ◾personality/aesthetic: Friendly or Evil? ◾accessories: choker or keys? Once again, vote in the comment section, and let's see how this one turns out!

This animation is a continuation of:
4LCAC! round 1 (closed)

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