Some backstory on Renev.


BTW THE LONG HAIRED CHARACTER IS NAMED RENEV. Story: Renev soon returned back from his hunt, his small earrings jingled as he trot over to the pile of prey that lay in the hot sun's warmth. `` Renev!`` A familiar voice rang out of his younger sibling, Haiku. `` Ye--`` Soon there was a slam into his side. `` You bastard! You left her!`` Haiku snapped. `` What?!`` Renev gaped. `` MOTHERS DEAD!`` And Renev froze, his eyes widened and his fur bristled. `` She's what...`` He gulped. `` DEAD!`` Haiku snarled tears in his eyes, as Renev just froze in shock.

  • Published March 05, 2019, 12:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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