This was a collab that I did with @Thuprilz!
I did the sketch & lineart as well as a few small final details, while they did the coloring, background, and the majority of the final render. While there were some major bumps during the process of making this, all and all this was very fun to make and I love the end result!
@mikmikay jyhgbfvdcsxMikJavelinSpearz
@Small_Radishes thxsonia
this is really cool𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫
@mikmikay it's okMikJavelinSpearz
@valdezorozcoe sorry XDMikJavelinSpearz
@valdezorozcoe didn't notice it𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫
I said y because I want to know what you mean by the saying me saying you're welcome but then insted you said you tooSo then I got confused 😕
@valdezorozcoe what do you mean y???𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫
@valdezorozcoe yes valdez𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫
@mikmikay ??MikJavelinSpearz
@valdezorozcoe you too𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫
@mikmikay u r so welcomeMikJavelinSpearz
@valdezorozcoe thx𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫