"Shallow breaths, that's all I heard from him, not a single word spoken. 'M-Mason?' I uttered, shivering at the fear in my voice, he slowly turns his head to face me. His glare was like daggers wedged in my heart, I looked passed his eyes up to his horns. Shattered. That precious horn of his, the horn that kept all his morals, gone. 'Mason please...' I said in a shaky voice, I could sense he wanted to hurt me, badly, and was desperately trying to hold back. He could easily rip me to shreds and devour me, he could be the monster his brother was, he could show me the side I should never see. 'hey...it's me' I said, in a effort to snap him out of his trance. With that I heard his breathing accelerate with soft growls in between. My fear was heightened instantly as only one thought raced through my head
**Drawing Explanation**
Ok ok so ya know how Dexter wants to seriously harm Xavi cuz it's kinda in his nature to hurt and kill right right right?? Ok well Mason's like hell to the no and he tries to protect Xavi from his brother. Unfortunately Mason's only class B Morgana which means he's not as tough as his brother who's class A Scorpio. Eventually Mason realizes that in order to stop Dexter he needs to get rid of his Morality aka break his horn like Dexter has. Cool fact about about the Morgana species is that when they lose their morality, their strength doubles or triples in rare cases. So now that Mason has no more morals he can easily go against his brother and eventually kill him. But ofc with no morals left Xavi is basically nothing in Mason's eyes, in fact now he has the urge to harm her just like Dexter wanted too. So like basically Mason "died" to save Xavi in a way I suppose idk its just a random thought I had for these two. (I'm probably gonna regret posting this ;)))))))
Edit: HAAAAA already regret it ;)