

First Concept design for the robotic verison of your character, if design is liked for the outter shell, innards will then be consulted along with smaller outter details
Shell is white, Eyes are of character base eye color, Remaining body is of polished titanium... except gattling guns which are black

due to drawn being an absolute diccut
the gattling gun looks crooked.

model can be also adjusted
im going to call this model.... 01 since it is the first out of....4?
forgot to collor in 'nose' which is just covered with titanium mesh
shell is of carbon fiber

Pupils can dialate. meaning they can be turned to slits and widen to a large circl that can almost take up the whole 'iris'
cavity on mouth so when mouth is closed minature gattling gun can still fire

  • Published Published February 23, 2022, 16:21
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in WIP
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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