just some ideas


1: i want to be able to filter out who i get notifications from, and what kind without having to block them. like say for instance i only wanted to get a notification when someone follows me ect. 2: i want some group chats. this would be handy for talking to two or more people at the same time like if 3 people were working on a joint animation or something. 3: different brushes would be cool. i mean like a paint brush or a smudge tool? maybe you could like be able to change the brush opacity and not just the layer. 4: maybe some stuff that would make animating a bit easier like that line select tool that makes the box and you can turn it and stuff? here ill just put a picture https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QkNz0FPSw74/XXkXLFteIsI/AAAAAAAAAaY/ywPFd9vVuNMGfitdS2Kd-W9rUpmeI9D2gCEwYBhgL/w140-h139-p/Screenshot%2B2019-09-11%2Bat%2B11.47.25%2BAM.png so yeah like like that 5: it would be really cool if you could upload an image and use it in your drawing like animate it or something. (i know i know this may sound very far fetched but it would be really cool if you could insert a .GIF file and it would put it out into frames. LIKE HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE!?) 6: i would like a light mode or something like it. For example maybe you could buy like a background for your account page, (with koin of course) maybe just like a default, a light, and a underwater theme? Maybe you could even upload an image for the background. Just an idea.

  • Published September 11, 2019, 10:56
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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