how do you check which of your posts you put in the market? Its been a while so i dont remember, I was curious as to what older posts i put up for sale
@ClaytonR Possible site suggestion if it doesn't exist already; having a section on a users wall for posts that are in the Market or being able to look a users name within the Market section itself for all of there posts within it
@ClaytonR Appreciate you!!!Roseken
@ClaytonR Thank you so much Clayton!ClaytonR
@Pop I have added the ability to filter the market by user, as well as a link under the profile menu to jump to your list of marketed items.Pop
@ClaytonR Possible site suggestion if it doesn't exist already; having a section on a users wall for posts that are in the Market or being able to look a users name within the Market section itself for all of there posts within itSimblime
u can look at the markets recents or just find which ever posts yk are in market, but I don't think u can see all of them somewhere???