Rinter log #4


Oooh boy, this is a long one. So the past few days have been scary to say the least. We first went to do the final job on the job thing in stone village or whatever the place was called and we fought ghosts! Scary ghosts!! So scary I almost died. But anyways once we did that we left the place to go to another place. Once we had to make a stop to sleep, me and Max talked about my dad, he’s pretty cool. Once we set off for the next day we found some cool stone statues dressed as bandits. Long story short I turned into a ball and they died. After we were done with that we continued on! Me and Zach talked a bit about what the gravel pit is on the way to arx (the place we are going) and apparently it’s in arx! So that's cool. After a while we continued on and we met this dragon man? I don’t know, but he challenged THE SLAYER!! To a battle and the dragon boy won. After I fed THE SLAYER!! Some pinecone milk we found out his name was Basileus and then we saw a big evil robot guy. I named him Jerimiah but the rest of the party came up with the nickname Jerma. So I guess we’ll go with that. After searching for most of the day we decided to rest. BUT just recently I’ve been captured by some funny guys. They allowed me to use a wax stick made for coloring to write this entry and gave me this cool rope belt. Really nice people :). But I can hear people fighting outside, actually nevermind, it’s Basileus and THE SLAYER!! Guess we are fighting now?? Anyways i’m gonna beat this nilbog boss guy to see why he captured me. See ya journal!!

  • Published Published December 11, 2022, 21:54
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in The Rinter files
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 9

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@Simblime it was unique :]
i liked the part that was kinda like a drop
it sounded pretty good on that part


@GreenHoodiedAnimator ngl just lookin back and this is trashhhhhhh


@Simblime its ok ima take a look anyways :D