Autism Speaks uses its platform and advertising budget to portray autism and autistic people as mysterious and frightening. Their fundraising tactics increase stigma and create barriers to the inclusion of autistic people in our communities. Autism Speaks says that they are all for spreading “awareness” of autism, but in reality, they are spreading only fear. To autistic people, the puzzle piece represents negativity about autism, not a positive perspective of autism. A second issue for autistic people, is the puzzle piece also represents viewing us as 'puzzling' or a 'mystery'. Often terms used in the past referring to autism. Always listen to Autistic people on Autistic issues. If an Autistic person is telling you to listen about something affecting them, listen.

  • Published January 06, 2023, 10:40
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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