Another chill art that is ugly


ha,, i'm trying to calm down,, lmao they keep arguing nOW THAT TALK ABOUT ME NOW I WANT TO CRY even tho i try to calm down this drawing is based on my inside feelings and shit i really need help i'm being introvert i'm having negative thoughts ha actually i really need sOmEBoDy AnYbODy WhOEvER IT IS,, i'm having family issues when i was like 4 years old they argued,, i was like standing there i was like,, confused,, like what's going on why do they fight,, they were fighting for like a weeks and months back then then when i grew up,, they were talking about that argue when i was 4,, then my mum blamed on me,, "wHY YOU DIDN'T SaID ANYTHING,, WHY YOU DIDN'T PROTECC ME" theNNN yeah,, i got pissed off and i'm pissed off again now they're trying to make their relationship over okay guys please help i don't know what to do i just randomly started talking about my family issues..

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