i like minecraft's new update


i got into an argument with someone about 1.14, and all i have to say is... if you dont appreciate months of hard work and coding, then why are you even playing the game? mojang tried. they tried to make something good and it makes me sad to read comments and hear kids saying that they hate it.
not like you could make something better.
i like the new sprites, items, and villager designs. they have so much more contrast now. i hated the old villagers. they wore the same outfits yet they were colored differently. now they have hats, eye-patches, headbands and tools to make them stand out.
old minecraft was shitty and boring. they tried to make it interesting.
whatever im sad about some block-building game lol. all i know is that 1.14 took months to complete and the fans dont even like it.

anyway, take a doodle of a villager boi

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yesh NOICE