

Samuel: "Multiple personality disorder. I;ve got 3. Me, Zero, and Coma. Zero is the surgeon of us 3, always the one to dissect and keep memento's of his victims. He's the silent, calm type I suppose. Me, I'm the normal, serious type I guess. I kill my victims by suffocating them with my chains on my duel sickles or, with the blade itself. Then....There's Coma, who has an odd ability to put people to sleep if you look in his eyes. Second are designated as minutes. and minutes are designated as years. The amount of time you look in his eye? Is the amount of time your in a coma. He usually kills the person by chasing them down. And killing them from behind, or putting them in a devastatingly long coma they can't survive. He's the crazy one of us three. But I guess we're all psycho's.

  • Published August 11, 2020, 20:25
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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