concept time


ok so i thought you know what,, why not make a story,, but share it with yall throughout the process? So here I am. ------------------- CONCEPT: So basically its kind of a science laboratory type thing(legit inspired off a damn rp me and some poeple did) takes place at Golden Obelisk Laboratories(the government doesnt even know about them,,) where they take patients and conduct expiriments and DNA testing. The scientists ultimate goal is to try and create a god-like being. They keep all of their failed attempts, to improve. Those are called SUBJECTS. the normal people, yet to be tested on, are called the UNTOUCHED. every Subject has a code number(ie, 103, 217(all used numbers)). Due to testing, many subjects have mutated, or obtained certain abilities, which are kept in check by several disks around the building, which dull said abilities. The subjects are allowed to roam, although only in GREEN AREAS, which are sections of the facility marked safe. ORANGE AREAS are areas where you can only enter upon authorization. RED AREAS are strictly off limits for subjects, and breaching of them can result in proper discipline. ------------------- Thats all I got for the setting currently,, if you have any questions, please ask! it'll help me out alot with the development! I guess i'll talk about some of the characters later on or something lol -

  • Published February 22, 2021, 13:22
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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