for the older generation who say back in their day it was harder than now,and that people now are here to prove you wrong.
the older generation had slaves and racism,people now have transphobia,homophobia,racism,and other things,and people are dying from starvation,money problems,murder,suicide,ect.
older generation had bullys,yes they were bad but they were mainly around your house,school,or playground,bullies now can be cyber and they never leave you alone until they are satisfied,people in the olden days could at least get away from it if they tried hard enough.
older generations had war,while yes that is bad people now have better weapons,things that can kill hundreds in seconds,things that can destroy a entire city.
older generations had viruses(like what were going through),those viruses were mainly natural and would pass with certains things,viruses now can be man made,it can survive longer and it will take longer to get an antidote.
i'm not hating on the older generation or picking a side as to which was worse,i'm just stating that i think the older times and the new times are both bad.
sorry for the random sorta depressing crap,i thought of this in the shower and wanted to write it down