victorian times -
Her eyes fluttered open and immediately she could feel a sharp pain on the back of her head. She reached with her hand and felt a bump tenderly. Star blinked and sat up, wondering where she was. She started to notice her surroundings...and what she saw was strange to her. It was a bedroom, that was for sure, but it wasn't her bedroom. It's walls were a light latte color, and she saw from where she lay, a bed across from her with a wooden stand was a bed with white sheets. She soon stumbled to get up and walked over to a mirror with a golden frame. She blinked in surprise that she saw herself looking back at her yes...but with completely different clothes. She seemed to wear some sort of gown. It seemed crimson? Maybe a red purple, and she was wearing the most absurd hat she has ever seen. While she was staring at her hat, she felt strong arms wrap around her waist and someone's chin now resting on her left shoulder. She gasped slightly and realized it was Onyx. She huffed, "jeez, don't scare me like that"
Onyx chuckled, "hey sorry princess, but you were looking in the mirror, should've seen me. Or were you too busy admiring yourself? Can't blame ya" he smirked. Star rolled her eyes, his teasing flirts annoyed her, but sometimes admittedly got to her. Just not right now. She turned around and looked up at him, "where the hell are we anyway?? Jeez, did you zap us into another location or something?! This is bad, someone could come in here and find us or something"
Onyx sighed, "relax, we've been through worse" he stated, "oh yeah, you mean like that time you turned us into rabbits?" Star retorted, looking around once more. Onyx shrugged, "hey, you were cute as a bunny rabbit"
Star couldn't help but roll her eyes again, honestly, being friends with the sorcerer's son was a handful, especially when she knew him from when they were little...
Star turned around and then let out a laugh, "jeez what are you wearing??" she giggled. Onyx's smirk faded, "hey, don't judge me when your wearing the crazy hat"
"says the one wearing the top hat. It suits you. Wanna try doing a magic trick?"
Onyx rolled his eyes this time, "ok ok, i get it. Why don't i just fly us out of here?" he asked, starting to open up his wings, but Star stopped him, "are you insane!!?? People could be around here" she warned, "fine, what's your great plan then?" he asked. Star was silent. Suddenly the door of the bedroom opened and in came a woman. She looked about mid 30's. She was wearing a dress similar to Star's, except it was shades of green.
"oh heavens, what are you two doing in this room? The gathering is downstairs" she asked.
Star bit her lip, "oh um, excuse us! I guess we just lost our way" she stated with a nervous smile. The woman raised a brow but nodded, "not quite sure how that would be, but alright. I'll escort you then"
soon they followed her to a stairwell and Star gasped quietly. Downstairs seemed like some huge party? Or a 'gathering' as they called it. There were many other people with similar clothes as Onyx and Star.
"Onyx" she said quietly, as they walked down the stairs, "yeah?" he replied, whispering back. "you didn't just teleport us...i think you brought us back in time" she realized. "there's no way i did this!" he declared. The woman that escorted them now was doing her own thing.
"well, we'll find a way out of this...we always do" Onyx told Star with a wink. She sighed and nodded, "yeah, i guess your right" she tilted her hat down a little, making sure it hid her ears well. Onyx did the same.
"and hey, nobody gets a chance to visit the Victorian times...unlike us" he chuckled, figuring out what era they were in. Star rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah, i guess your right, just try not to enjoy here too much"
this took me forever lol
so anyway, Star (who yes ik looks like my persona) is a sorta new oc of mine. Idk, think of her as my persona but oc also.
@GreenHoodiedAnimator NAHHHHGreenHoodiedAnimator
@FreezingFlames this is why 9/11 happenedFreezingFlames
@GreenHoodiedAnimatorhi "im me and he's he" im dad
@ilyas im me and he's hedrumcat
real one (standing up for the bros)Simblime
@ilyas look at the name buddyilyas
@Simblime @GreenHoodiedAnimator i cant tell if this is GHA or simblimeSimblime
@GreenHoodiedAnimator hit your headline like a news clipGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Simblime ok dunderheadSimblime
this is juicy asf bruhSimblime
@GreenHoodiedAnimator u stole that from vengeanceGreenHoodiedAnimator
getting his block spun like rubiks