General Backstorys : Holy


to make my life easier, i have decided to compile information on all of my oc's on these posts (and eventual album) further info will be added in the future.\ Holy, was originally born during the late Triassic period, and for his first 15 years, he had a non eventful life, alongside bean, they ruled over a territory in what is now the British isles. whilst on a regular hunting trip, bean, holy, Perry, and Dan simultaneously plummeted into the frigid water, freezing into an early iceberg. they remained like this, as it slowly complied more victims, until the late 90's where they were then discovered by the US military on a local patrol boat. the iceberg was melted, and its subjects placed in preserving chambers, experimentation began shortly after, influencing them with a STEM CELL enhancing agent, causing limited sentience. only a month later, the research facility experienced a sudden shutdown, presumably caused by smile. all of the subjects inside, breached at once, killing and maiming the surviving personnel, before fleeing into the wilds on west virgina. alongside Holy's new found sentience, he began to develop schizophrenic symptoms, constantly simmering with near insanity. Holy would then go on to discover, 'Project backup' where the US cloned several of the subjects in hopes of turning them into militaristic tools. Holy as his new found rag-tag gang of big lizards, freed their clones, creating a semi organized army. Smile, now seemingly fond of a certain someone, became considerably jealous of such accomplishments, and began creating a group of his own; himself, Wendy, dracomimus, and Harold. Together, they wage war with Eachother entering the slapstick sha-nan-i-gans we all know today.

  • Published February 21, 2020, 17:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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