Maggie as a Reaper


Queen Magnolia Ravenwood Or Queen Ravenwood I kind of messed up when drawing the eye with the scar bc i realized she would be blind in that eye, and i should've made it low saturated or discolored but it's fine- ANYWAY- This is for Selena bc I wanted to draw Maggie as a reaper, so she's basically in Fedrick's positions. Instead of flowers, she has scars. There is one across her right eye that is covered a bit by her hair. And any other spots her flowers were in her original self, are scars. And since Selena's character Fredrick bleeds as a reaper, her scars would bleed as well. While drawing this i was thinking how Maggie would be like if she were like this. Being a queen and being a reaper and all I like to think that her personality would definitely change a lot, but it would still keep certain aspects of her original self. Like, in this, she would be more of a quiet and timid person. Though very curious of things like her original self. Showing interest in certain things that just intrigue her. She'd also be one to avoid confrontation, though if poked, or her kingdom is attacked or anyone is harmed, she will retaliate and fight back. She'll become all bada** She'll have this thing where she says certain stuff that effects the other person in a way but she'd be completely oblivious to it. Like, she'll say something embarrassing or say something that's not really ok to say usually, but she'd just be like blank faced and just tilt her head in confusion if they bring it up she'll also do this little blep face sometimes, with a blank stare but she'll stick out her tongue. Idk i just imagine her doing that xDD It's just adorable -w-' She'd have the same emotionless face like Fredrick does, except sometimes she might show more expression. She is a lot kinder to her people. She shows care sometimes and will very rarely show a smile. She doesn't like being called by her full name "Magnolia" She once liked it, but now she just can't bare to hear it, so now she just likes "Maggie" She doesn't completely hate the name either, sometimes it really just depends who calls her "Magnolia" She doesn't like yelling or being touched too much. Maybe small touches like holding her hand or putting a hand on her shoulder, but it would depend on the situation she was abused by her dad so uh, she hates men xDD she has this thing against them Uh anything extra would probably be her mainly floating around, like she wouldn't be one to walk all that much. She just like floating around and just chilling. She'd be protty soft spoken, and she wouldn't have too many enemies. Any enemies she would have would be ded. And she might even have small allies. so ye that would just be her if she was in his position uhhh, say "Flower poppy" if u made it till the end and read all this xDD

  • Published July 10, 2021, 15:31
  • in Still Waters
  • in 1. Good Art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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