featuring: Colorado, Arizona, Hawaii, Alaska, Texas, Rhode Island, Alabama and USA.
I thought it would be fun to draw some of Americas children lol and yeaaa... I also think it is ironic that i forgot Hawaii and Alaska's text boxes when they say "Im finally noticed" lol
@drumcat a n s w e rt h e
q u e s t i o n
@Simblime peepooSimblime
@drumcat u said there woldn't be a stream already why do you have to specify it in chat toodrumcat
@GreenHoodiedAnimator point and laughGreenHoodiedAnimator
there was no stream :(drumcat
@GreenHoodiedAnimator i ended up having technical difficultiesGreenHoodiedAnimator
@drumcat yesdrumcat
@crimsonwombat HOLY SHIT YOU LIVEcrimsonwombat
bit of an L if you ask me