------------------------------------------------------------------------ omg guys im sooooo sorry i forgot other entries for some freaking reason!!! imma try it again... uwu AND I'M SO SO SO SORRY IF UR POSITION HAS CHANGED, I FORGOT A BUNCH OF ENTRIES!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~FIRST PLACE~ @ANADROJ-B-J with her entry: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/0tgw19 !! i really loved how you drew this! the style and everything, how clean it is, the shadowing?!?!??! AND i wanted to give you second place for https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/3rl9p4 but i also wanted to give others a chance, so you'll still be getting a prize for that too! **PRIZE(s): fully colored fanart, gifted + fully colored fanart, not gifted and 20 likes (for the other entry)** (and i couldn't choose so) ~ALSO FIRST PLACE~ @BIG-FISH with her entry: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/lcudvl !!!!! the cat is adorable, and the coloring is amazing! its crazy that you are able to create something so realistic looking! and the same thing above, you were going to get fourth place with https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/4rhqzp , but i wanted to give someone else a chance, but you'll be getting a prize for that too. **PRIZE(s): fully colored fanart, gifted + fanart and 1o likes (for the other entry)** ~SECOND PLACE~ @FLARE-AAMON with her entry https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/ttbwfm !!!! the palette of this is amazing, and the pose that the character is in completes the drawing perfectly! **PRIZE: fully colored fanart and 20 likes** ~THIRD PLACE~ @AURADRAWZ with her entry https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/9sy8xb !!!!! this is very very cute, and the colors in the characters work very well together! **PRIZE: fanart and 20 likes** ~FOURTH PLACE~ @ATHENA97 with her entry https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/ilqva2 !! the idea was adorable, and the mitten was a very cute touch! **PRIZE: fanart and 10 likes** ~FIFTH PLACE~ @ANONYMOUSTIGER5 with her entry https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/sfom3e !! the fox is just... SCREECH its cute beyond words! (and the colors too uwu) **PRIZE: random art and 10 likes** (and i'm adding a sixth place, bc i really like this one:) ~SIXTH PLACE~ @TOASTY430 with her entry: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/82fr9b !!! you should be more proud of this! i srsly like the colors, and its a very cute pose with a very cute character. **PRIZE: random art** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TWO RUNNERS UP: @rotorMoil and @AuraDrawz with their entries: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/593ra0 & https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/1d8avs !! u guys each get 2o likes! AND THANK YOU TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO ENTERED!!! YOU ALL GET 10 LIKES!! <3<3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (as you might be able to see, the art is going to be a lot of work, bc i wanna put effort into it, so please give me time, i promise i will get your prizes to you tho!)

  • Published January 18, 2019, 16:19
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Miscellaneous
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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