list of random complaints


Obama prism isn't a religion yet. All sides of my health triangle are below average I am unhappy with my art Pringle cans are to skinny My burritos keep falling apart like :(((( Politics are at their worst like stop complaining nobody cares. People in general are at their worst because everybody's yelling about equality, and when they got it, they just wanted more attention. Like okay, you're gay that's cool, I'm fine with that. Don't shove it down my throat because I'm straight. (No not all people are like this, but some are and this is a complaint list so) My best friend moved schools and I'm really sad Nobody else wants to eat human meat??? I heard it was like pork I'm gettin real curious on how it tastes.

  • Published November 19, 2019, 17:01
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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