asexual ask game


from tumblr by the user anaroaceplace
Where are you on the ace-spectrum?
When did you first realise you were ace-spec?
Did you have a moment of “Wait, sexual attraction is real?”
What moments make you think, “Well, I’m definitely ace”
Are you sex-positive, sex-repulsed, or indifferent?
How do you feel about general intimacy? (Kissing, cuddling, etc)
Are you also aro-spec?
What other identities are you, if any?
Who’s the first person you came out to, if any?
Has anyone ever come out to you as ace-spec?
Have you ever been to pride as an ace person? What was it like?
Dragons or cake ace?
Do you have an ace ring? Do you want one?
Do you own an ace-spec flag?
Do you experience the ace obliviousness to innuendos or dirty jokes?
How do you feel about sex scenes/romantic plots/subplots in movies?
How do you feel about sex/love songs?
Have you had any romantic/queerplatonic/sexual relationships?
Are you any good at flirting?
How do you feel about dating a non-ace-spec person?
How many ace-specs do you know IRL?
Do you want kids?
What would you rather do/have instead of sex?
Best part of being ace?
Free spot! Ask me any question to do with asexuality.

  • Published Published November 27, 2020, 23:50
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in boredom
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 6

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goodbye internet
hello Stone Age


@drumcat hd version now i make
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i think the test failed