Story part 1: School


It was another boring class, one in a long lineup that Yellow had to go to every day. She really disliked this particular class, Math. Her girlfriend, Blue, loved Math for some weird reason unknown to Yellow. So did yellow's lttle brother, Orange. He really onlly liked it though to make cool things, like how he made a cool watering system for Yellow.
The teacher kept droning as Yellow continually checked her watch. After this was lunch, when Yellow could see Blue.
The kid next to Yellow, Ace, slumped their head to their desk, saying, "When is this going to end?"
"I really don't know," said Yellow, adding a line to her drawing of a flower.
"Well, I hope it's soon, because my friend, Dolphin's oldest sister made some really good cake last night, and I really want to try it," said Ace
"Don't you live with that family?" asked Yellow
"Yeah, and My older Brother lives with his boy friend's family for some reason," said Ace, their pencil moving furiously on the page.
"What are you drawing?" asked Yellow
"OH, I like to design things, this is a tuxedo-dress," siad Ace
"Well, it looks cool, I can only draw flowers," said Yellow
THen, the harh sound of the bell rang. Yellow hefted her bag onto her shoulder and walked out of the classroom, heading to the cafeteria.
* * *
"Hey y'all!" said Purple, walking up to where Blue and Yellow were sitting
"Hey Pur!" said Blue
"Look, they have cake!" siad Purple, pointing to where Ace was sitting, along with all of the Silvers.
"Yes, cake!!" exclaimed Blue
"SHould we go ask them if we can have some?" asked Purple
"Sure, I was talking to Ace just in math class, so maybe we can ask them for some?" responded Yelllow
"Let's go!!" siad Blue, taking Yelllow's hand and dragging her over.

  • Published Published February 16, 2020, 11:37
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Gefigem
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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