
By Kat143

-- some MORE backstory -- Rift-Script is kinda a spoken language, except you don't really Speak... it kinda just appears in a chat bubble, and you read it. If they had cameras, those wouldn't capture the bubbles, but people can still see them, nobody questions why it does any of this, it's just a fact of life, like gravity (Which btw is alot heavier on Kat's planet, 5ft is actually high average. Chip keeps bragging about how easy it is for him to pick stuff up, he's actually pretty tall where he's from.) anyways, nobody knows where rift is from, or how it was made or anything, Kat thinks it has something to do with "Him with the brush," but everybody doubts the existence of Him, except for Chip, who thinks he might've seen him too, after Kat drew a sketch of him.

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