The tribute chapter 53. Corpse

By X

Ace watched from across the room, he watched the horror unfold. Lucas pushing Chaos out of the way, the bright orb of magic flying straight for him. The person who jumped in front of Lucas. His mother. Cybil hit the floor with a thud, and fell still. Lucas froze, and the room was silent. Ace broke out of his trance, and ran over to the still, silent body. Tears flooded his eyes, as he crouched beside her. He turned his mother to face him, and one of her eyes cracked open. The entire front of her body had been hit by that magic, and it had been mutilated. Blood poured from the wound, and gathered around her on the floor. Ace held her close to him. "Mom..." Tears flowed freely, adding to the pool of blood now covering the area. She smiled, just the smallest bit. "I-i only have a second, my dear...." His head hung. "No...we have so much we need to fix...." She couched, and smiled again. The pain in her eyes was unbearable. "I couldn't let anything happen to my children.." AC heard a sob from a few feet over, and saw Lucas crying into the arms of Chaos. Ace felt something on his arm, and saw Cybil reaching towards him. "After...we talked... before you turned into this..." She coughed again. "I snuck into your father's room, and i found them..." Ace cupped her cheek. "You found what?" She smiled, and pulled something out of her pocket. It was a small silver vial. "Your memories...of us..." Her eyes went dull, and her body went limp. Ace clasped the vial, and looked slowly over towards his father. Fusion was frozen, standing there with a look of shock and fear on his face. Ace realized then that he was in excruciating pain and he turned around to look at himself. Something had changed. He looked back at his father, and his eyes could pick up even more details. He jumped up, growled, and attacked his father.

  • Published January 17, 2020, 08:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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