ugh idk


idk why ive been getting so upset lately.. im just gonna annoy them over time, theyll see how hyper and loud and annoying i really am and then theyll just leave or not like me... i just... i just relaly hope when i do end up annoying them, they dont try and spare my feelings and just SAY im annoying.... i try and be this cool person, i wanna be taller, slightly skinnier, i was more fun to talk to... idk... i just cant really seeem to love myself anymore. i used to love myself so damn much but now.. idk... im just not as happy with myself anymore... god and i complain so much too about not having any friends- techiclly i do but when i talk to them i tlak to them once and never again!! i try!! i really do i honestly do- its the only reason i wish i ahd social media!! i was so close to making a friend with this really cool guy and he asked for me insta but i dont have social media so i said i couldnt and he just went 'oh' and right away he lost onterest and i havent talked to him since. damnit...

  • Published April 23, 2019, 21:01
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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