"You know you'll never get out but at least you got food that you like" (I honestly have no idea why i made this, im bored, i should be doing homework but meh)
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@_bubbles_ Thank you!!_bubbles_
AMAZING @Athena97Athena97
@ClaytonR Thanks!ClaytonR
Very clever!Athena97
@Samwiched Thank you, LOLSamwiched
Oof double comment sorry!Samwiched
AA SO BEAUTIFUL :00 <33Samwiched
AA SO BEAUTIFUL :00 <33Athena97
@AnonymousTiger5 @XEclipse Thank you both!XEclipse
Ahhhh this is so pretty!!AnonymousTiger
*adds to favorites*