

Re: hello from Goat-Cat to chrisrox110 i dont really want to anyways so ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: Yeah btw people 13 and up can do it so it won't be a problem if you did. ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: yeah ik ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: Alright if you do anytime. Be safe about it ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: oh well im 14 so i wont be doing that soon lol ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: you never know. she said the same thing until it happen and she got used to it ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: alright aaa i probably wont so ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: yeah also if you ever consider doing wedgie pictures of yourself then people would probably pay you more, just a heads up on that. my friend did that once she did it alot so i guess she was set. ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: oh alrighty ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: yeah if you have paypal or cashapp you can save the money you make on there ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: oof yeahg ik ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: you should. people commission alot for it so it be easy money for you. ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: dang well i wouldnt really draw that stuff so aaa ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: i know right. it wont always be like that some only pay $5 to 8 dollars for a simple video or picture of a wedgie but it works. you just need to know where to ask. so far from what saved i got around $300-$400 for it ---------- Goat-Cat said the following: oh wtf ---------- chrisrox110 said the following: oh btw wedgies are quite popular on here and other places to the point people would uby it. for example i sold an old wedgie video that got delete off youtube before and i got about $100 from someone who wanted it

  • Published May 01, 2019, 12:50
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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