HIATUS. (desc)


not forever, but until i fix my grades. mom decided to take ALL my stuff away until i fix my grades. ill have no devices, and she even threatened pipecleaners. without those two things, gosh id fucking kill myself. my whole life revolves around art. without my digital art and my pipecleaners all ill have is paper...which, at least ill have that. i just hope i can come back. i hate my mom, and im gonna try to avoid her as much as possible. im hoping my friend lets me stay over to avoid her... i havent been posting lately because of my fear of this moment. i tried so hard to do my best in school, but clearly im just too-...i just cant figure it out. ill never have a good future, and ill be doomed to be a failure for the rest of my life... why do i even bother living anymore. im gonna try to come back, but if i dont...well, ive either failed all my grades, or ive gone mad... and i sure hope i dont go mad... (also yay lil tanpaw anim)

  • Published September 30, 2022, 20:25
  • in The Swamp
  • in T A N P A W
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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