uvrz conteest thing

By bee

she worries a lot about Barney because she's yeah and she likes to cook and wants to be a sous chef for like,, some 5 star restaurant around her area that she always loved and shit and honestly she gets hella worried about Barney when he's always so deep into his work and hjwjhwhjwjh she likes to read cookbooks and learn recipes and test them out and she's actually not a bad chef because she's a goddess and she is lovely and beautiful,,
shit she likes: c o o k i n g, fluffy things,, just anything fluffy, reading, earrings, those really cheesy romantic movies,, we've all seen them prolly.
dislikes: her job,, it's boring, meanie beanies smh, people with invalid opinions,, like they have no facts to back it up so it's invalid and stoopid ew, (most ;))) ) hard things like those weird floor tiles in schools, her boo not getting enough love, sleep, anything that he needs.

  • Published Published November 30, 2018, 17:57
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in fanart
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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Bruh they added ads in drawn now