If you've noticed that I stopped following you, sorry, It's nothing against any of y'all, but like- Either
a. Your art/ posts don't interest me.
B. Some of y'all have some opinions that I disagree with, so To prevent myself from going on too many rants, I've just stopped following you.
Once again, like- y'all are all great people.
but that doesn't mean that agree with you, nor does it mean I have too.
Sorry for this weirdly outlandish post, I've just noticed certain things becoming more... prominent. And I feel bad for just unfollowing people without giving them a reason.
also, don't consider this me wanting you to stop interacting with me, If I wanted that, I woud've just blocked you. So still, don't be afraid to converse with me, just know that If I've unfollowed you that I didn't want to start anything.
And before you say I'm callin anyone out, I've done this to multiple people now.
Also, sorry, rant over.
@RANDOMGIRL4 uno reverse cardRANDOMGIRL4
No uUltraB
@RANDOMGIRL4 Smoochno u
SmoochHere be a good person
@WolfHats nice tysatansassgremlin
honestly i love ur art ok and u seem p chill tbhUltraB
i wont beat you up*