Advice: Acceptance & Appreciation

By Frost

Sometimes, the world will give you something fair, and unfair. Just because you have one result, doesn't mean you can't change your attitude towards it. It can be difficult, but just living makes a diffrence rather than not living. Appreciating who you are MAKES a diffrence. You're you... and that's the best thing you can get from the world. Not just one human in this world feels pain, but all. Even when they hide it, it's there. There are those who will smile, and help others do the same. While there are those who hurt others because they are also hurt. But... there are those who are hurt who help people feel joy. Self love takes as long as it has to for it to stay there. You fuck up, you still love yourself. Simple. It's hard, but there IS self love. Just trust yourself to find it. If someone loves themselves, that's unconditional love. If someone loves YOU, well... they see what you can also see if you trust. No matter how flawed someone is, they're perfect in they're own perfect way. The only real bully is yourself if you think others are judging... but you're the only judge around. Don't bully yourself... you're beautiful the way you are. I know it's hard, but if you let it... then it will be easier than you taught yourself before. If you believe you're ugly... well, you're wrong. You're beautiful/ handsome. If you think you're stupid, you're wrong again. You're smart. If you think you're weak, that's another incorrect statement. You're brave, courageous, and strong. If you fail, don't drag yourself down. Push yourself enough to succeed. Because you CAN and WILL do and be what I've listed. Your clothes, hair, hell, even your amazing face is NOT what defines you. YOU define you. Your amazing personality. Your gestures. Your trust and beliefs that you've given yourself... the way your treat people with such kindness... that's what defines you. You're talented even when you don't want to believe it. And if people make fun of your art style, or anything related... fuck them. You made it, and it's amazing. Perfect. I know my words cannot change what you think... but, if they do... I'm proud of you. You gain trust slowly, of course, but in the end... it's gonna be worth it. A word of advice... compliment yourself everyday. Give yourself a high-five, a pat on the back, and a smile in the mirror. **Remember: it's okay to ask for guidance.** Hope this helps <3

  • Published November 28, 2020, 12:25
  • in The Swamp
  • in **Advice**
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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