about to lose my mind


there is gonna be a server limit guys

since we haven't made the actual server yet idk how many are gonna be in it, but the smp is CLOSED. I'm gonna talk to a few people and flesh it out w the original members !!

please stop asking to join i literally have no idea who some of u are and I'm getting so overwhelmed. i understand u all wanna join the fun and i get it !! its ok i don't blame any of u and I'm not mad, its just too much to handle. we don't repeat origins and we arent sure which extra origin addons we can add.

the server is CLOSED until further notice. I wont accept more requests, thank you!!

ELYTRIAN - StarMoonlight (Duvel)
ENDERIAN - Bizzare + kirbo
MERLING - milkmonto (seisea <3)
SHULK - bunnirot (leiyre)
PHANTOM - Hoodie (acheros)
VEX/PHANTOM - JM (jm but vex/phantom)
INCHLING/MOTH - Junebug (pepper)
PIGLIN - Dominator_Virus (stirlig)
ARACHNID - bionicle.exe + MONOCOVEN

if i missed anyone pls tell me thank u

  • Published Published April 15, 2022, 07:32
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in 5 - smp !!
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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