wip wip


https://prnt.sc/le0iwp taking a break from it though because i came up with a project idea and am eager to work on it if yall could leave some story prompts in the comments (ill credit you) because for the project im doing, im gonna need a good prompt and theres a possibility ill use more than one, depending how long this thing will take. im assuming its going to take at least a week to just lay out, and then at least another week to draw it all, but im hyped for it. never done something like this though lmao so idk well see how this turns out. if theres specific things you want in your plot, please specify. ill try to implement them the best i can. also the less characters, the better.

  • Published November 03, 2018, 15:25
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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this needs to stop
i feel really sick but