species: Antanae Monsters


1. Antanae Monsters has to be neon. 2. Antanae Monsters has to have a funky pop attitude, if your not a fan, you can change there mood. 3. Antanae Monsters Can only respond by bending there antanae near to there face, Ounce they spot, see, or have signal to another antanae monster that wants to commnacate they get to talk. 4. Antanaes must have dots, tattoos, ect, near there edge of there head. I choosed both dots and a moon tattoo. 5. They can have stars, rings hearts, whatever you want to put on there antanae, I choose rings because its easy to draw. 6. You must take care of your Antanae Monster because this is a prevelage for giving a species out. If you dont care for the Antanae Monster properly I might have to take your Antanae Monster away. Okay all done. If you want one. Please desgin it if you want one! - Heartless

  • Published April 08, 2019, 17:30
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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