!!! hey guess what :D


me and my family (except my sister) are going to Hawaii for spring break!! we've been saving for this trip for like a year im so hype :)))) we got our covid tests back today, we're all negative, so that's exciting !!! we get to go !! I've never been, also dw we're all going to be social distanced and masked up, and also we're gonna quarantine when we get back. so another extra two weeks of no school, bc my schools going to in person full time now, so they said "screw it here's a work packet, do your work and you'll be fine" just wanted to let y'all know what im up to and why I won't be as active for the next week or so :) if any of yall live in Hawaii you should tell me where we should go on the big island !! my dad already has an idea of what we want to do, and he's taking me to visit an art college there !!!! also sorry this drawing is crap, I don't have my tablet rn and lost all trackpad skills lmao

  • Published March 27, 2021, 18:19
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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