More deadly sins topics.


(No two categories can have the same thing) Drawn users: (This'll be good. How 'bout we have multiple answers and vote on the most fitting one? I hope this won't offend anybody...) (You may suggest yourself and users other than yourself. Just wanted to make that clear.) Pride- (PhinSilver?) Wrath- (JM) Gluttony- (Sadason?) Greed- Envy- Sloth- (Mcflurrydog or BCM?) Lust- Seasonings: Pride-Salt Wrath-Paprika Gluttony-Garlic Greed- Envy- Pepper Sloth- Lust- Mint birbs: Pride- (peacock or bald eagle) Wrath- (Hawk or chicken) Gluttony- (Buzzard) Greed- Envy- (Raven) Sloth- Lust- Feel free to come up with more topics. I'm bored.

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