"I Can't Fix Everything."


In this post: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/rcwshu , I mentioned this character was based on another oc I never showed you guys-- only one other user has seen him, and they drew two versions of him uwu . To summarize, this is Nicholas Andrew Fitzgerald (Nick for short). He's a time-traveling undercover cop/detective who is from the year 3052, and he was born on 03/08/3016. He is 6'5", weighs 230 lbs, and has two versions of himself (for lore purposes). He's a fnaf AU character of mine who is supposed to be the dad of Fritz (who possesses Foxy (which he didn't know until he was born (he knows the story of Fazbears from a literal 'Fazbear Entertainment' History class from high school, just not who the parents are))) but in the universe, Fritz's name is Jeremy (yes, I switched their names, I'm sorry ;;w;;). Nick had a rough life growing up, but after Jeremy's death, he began drinking heavily gaining weight, and growing out his hair and beard (which is what this picture is). There's much more lore to this, but I just wanted to introduce him briefly :'P . This drawing, just like the previous one, is a year old because I'm insecure about my anatomy :''''3

  • Published September 14, 2024, 09:14
  • in Still Waters
  • in OC's - 16
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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